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Fetuses with increased NT (nuchal translucency)
The majority of fetuses with increased nuchal translucency (NT) detected at the routine first trimester scan at 11-13 weeks gestation are...

Thyroid problems during pregnancy
The thyroid gland at the neck produces thyroid hormones which regulate the metabolism in the body. Common disorders of the thyroid gland...

BMI >= 25 during pregnancy
There is now much data that shows that the following risks are increased if the BMI is >= 25: During pregnancy 1. Miscarriages 2. Fetal...

Twins, triplets or more
Multiple pregnancies now account for 1.5% of all pregnancies. The commonest form of multiple pregnancies are twins, though triplets,...

Amniocentesis and CVS (chorionic villus sampling)
Invasive diagnostic procedures like amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) are performed under ultrasound guidance to obtain...

Pregnancies from IVF or SO-IUI
IVF refers to in vitro fertilization while SO-IUI refers to super ovulation in utero insemination. These procedures are assisted...

Older pregnant mothers
Older pregnant women are at higher risks of: a) miscarriages b) chromosomal abnormalities e.g. Down syndrome c) stillbirth at term d)...

Previous bad outcomes in pregnancy
These histories could include that of: a) previous miscarriages b) previous spontaneous preterm labour c) previous indicated preterm...

History of abnormalities in children in family
These abnormalities could be due to: a) chromosomal abnormality b) structural abnormality e.g. congenital heart abnormalities c) genetic...

Mothers with medical conditions
These could include: high blood pressure or hypertension high blood sugar level or diabetes mellitus high or low thyroid hormone levels...

Previous Caesarean section or scars in uterus
The risks in this current pregnancy are higher if there was a previous Caesarean section compared to if there was a previous successful...

Cervical cerclage
Cervical Insufficiency Cervical insufficiency (previously known as cervical incompetence) is defined as the inability of the cervix to...

Types of miscarriage syndromes: 1. Threatened miscarriage - this is diagnosed when there is painless vaginal spotting / bleeding (brown...
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